Friday, June 5, 2009


I dont know how many ppl. know that I have been going to the gym since Jan. It was my New Years resolution to lose some major lbs. this year. I dont have a goal weight...I mean, when I was 20-25 I weighed anywhere between 120-135 lbs. I was thin I suppose. I would love to weigh in that area again but I dont know. I just know I was miserable being such a fatso. Bleghhhh...I was such a lazy bum! I look at my kids and I wonder why I let myself get so out of shape and so unhealthy. So I did it for them and myself. I can say I have gone to the gym, faithfully, 4-5 times every week. Sometimes more if I have the time/energy. Ok, well, despite when my kids were sick I did skip a few days here and there. And to date I have lost 22lbs. And I dont even look like I did! hahahah

I have issues w/ eating 'healthy'. I just think it is so hard... Esp. w/ kids and a husband that eats nothing but fast food, fried food, chips, and sweets. I grew up being able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, not having to exercise at all and I was still skinny. Eventhough, now I exercise I think I can eat whatever I want. And I see that isnt the case. So I am going to get my old Weight Watchers book out and try to stick to my points. Then I can see how much weight I lose while exercizing AND watching my diet!


  1. i know the feeling. im totally there. i started last dec seriously working out. but, i work out at home with the tredmill/wii fit/wii Golds Gym Cardio. ive pushed myself to eat less. a LOT less. its so hard! but, i look in the mirror.. realize ive lost a bit over 30 lbs.. am strong.. and just feel so much happier in my life. i dont really keep a running track of my calories or anything. i just tend to only eat very small amounts. its hard, but, i also walk away feeling empowered. i am a vegetarian and that throws things out of wack here with trying to count calories and all that. we make a meat with sides and i eat those sides. usually only a little bit though. but, i DID cheat yesterday.. TWO pieces of a Marinos Small pizza.. i could resist. i also dont ever deprive myself. if im craving something..i eat it..just a small amount. i dunno..i think im babbling.. anyway..good luck Heidi.. it will all work out!

  2. I'm with you with the not eating healthy thing! I really struggle with it! Congrats on losing that much weight already! That is an accomplishment! I am the same way, was so little and skinny back in the I am embarrassed to even get in bed with the hubby... that is a horrible feeling!! You may not notice the weight loss but 22 lbs says it!! :)
