Monday, December 12, 2011


I have been totally slacking in going to the gym, lately. It started last year when Kayli was off of school for Christmas break. I promised I'd start after the New Year (2011). I went here and there, but not near as much as I did in 2010. I stay the same weight no matter what I do. I am destined to be festively plump. I mean, we all know skinny is overrated. I think I weighed my lowest, in my very early 20's, when I was 120 lbs. And even then, I thought I was fat. I looks at pictures of myself from back then and I cannot believe I thought I was fat. Whatever, being 'fat' or not, isn't really the point. When I was going to the gym on a daily basis, I was happier and had more energy. "Exercise builds endorphins. Endorphins make people happy. Happy people do not kill their husbands." That is so true!  But, guess what? I had all my gym stuff out and ready to put on this morning. I was even up at a good time to get the girls ready for school and have them there, on time. Did I go to the gym? Nope! I had my workout clothing on, breakfast ate and decided I didn't feel like going. How bogus am I?! I'd rather sit on my fat a$$, drinking coffee, while watching Regis and Kelly. Tomorrow I am planning on going to take Zumba. Hopefully, I can get out of this funk, b/c I hate being lazy.

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