Saturday, September 5, 2009

First week of school

Kayli finished her first week of school successfully. Laney also went the rest of the week with no more temper tantrums (on school property). I am so proud of my girls. I cant believe Kayli goes to school all day. Eats lunch at school...not to mention carries her tray to her table w/out spilling anything or dropping the tray. She gets so excited to be able to choose different things at lunch. She loves the fact that she can have 'pink milk' and she thinks it tastes like cotton candy. We have had pink milk here too. The Nestle Quick stuff. It is strawberry milk and she has always hated it! It just makes me laugh when she tell me how much she loves the pink milk.

She has made a few friends and she is so proud of herself. She always has a story of what one of her new friends did to make her laugh. Or what game they played in class or at recess. It is so cute and I love hearing all about her day!

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