Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pussy Cat

We have a new addition to the Hose house! She is small, cute, furry and pretty vocal! Her name is Moxie and Willis dis-likes her very much! I have never ever seen Willis hiss or swat at any other cat. We had Galaxy, Mickey and Pepper when he was brought into our home. They all treated him like poo. He still followed them and got in there faces and licked/sniffed them. This went on forever, it just became a little more tolerable to them. Ever since we put Mickey and Pepper to sleep we thought Willis might like a friend since he was always so playful. Guess I was wrong. He is just pissed off that we brought her into this house. I guess now he thinks it is HIS territory.

FYI...In case you were wondering, we had to get rid of Galaxy b/c she was shitting on everything after we got Willis. She cost us a new couch, crib mattress and changing table pads. So right before I had Laney we took her to a shelter. I know, so mean, but she was such a bizzzznatch!! :D

Willis hiding under the table


better pic. of Moxie


We had a pretty busy X-mas this year. On Wed. (Dec 23) we went to my Aunt and Uncles house to celebrate w/ them. My cousin, Erik and his wife Jerusha were there w/ all of there children. It was a wonderful time for all of us. The kids all played very well together. It is always fun spending time w/ them. Cant wait until the next time we get to see them!

On Xmas Eve. We headed up to my parents house. The girls opened their awesome gifts that nanny and pop bought for them and we had lasagna for dinner. It wasnt a long celebration because the girls were getting cranky and needed to go home to get ready for the fat guy in the red suit to arrive! Needless to say, Matt and I had some gift wrapping to do after the kids were in bed.

Finally, on Xmas after we opened gifts and got ready. We went to Matt's mom/dads house for breakfast. It was so good! Both kids ate really well. Pappy Cappie and Joan got them some really cute gifts and the girls love them. It is always good to see them! I am so happy they live closer to us this year!

dressed up for Xmas


Family (excuse my fatness)


giddy up Kayli!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Victory Club Xmas

I know how jealous you all are going to be (not) when I tell you that we went to the Xmas breakfast at the Victory Club this past Sat. The girls really like it there. They love Eydie, the bar tender and Mary, our usual waitress. But on this day Santa and Mrs. Clause were going to be there. Incase you didnt know, Santa and Mrs. Clause are way cooler than Edyie and Mary! And what child doesnt want the chance to tell Santa what they want for Xmas?

santa gave her an orange!

Kayli looks like she had 1 too many beers! lol

the girls w/ Victory Club Santa

So happy...

My blogger friend, Michelle and her husband Nick just found out that they are able to adopt again. What is really exciting, is the baby they are adopting is the brother to Kayla (the little girl they adopted about 17 months ago). They live in Guam because Nick is in the Air Force and that is where they will live until 2012. I am so excited for them and I wanted to share it with all of my know, all 6 of you!! LOL if you get time, check out her blog. <---- Just click there.

My Dad

I just wanted to put this on here for some of you who read this. My dad had surgery last Thursday, Dec. 10th to reverse his colostomy. He had no complications during or after the surgery. His Dr. was very pleased all went as planned. He was able to come home Wed. Dec. 16th after he passed gas and had a poo! Who would have ever thought farting and pooing would be such an exciting thing!!?? Sorry, dad...hope this doesnt embarrass you! haha He is doing well and is very happy this crazy stuff is all behind him. He still has a pretty long recovery but that is a lot better than what we thought it was going to be like. It is weird to think just 4-5 months ago we were told he had cancer and he was going to have to get chemo./radiation. Back in this post is where we all found out is wasnt cancer. Before that we all were 100% sure this was going to be a long, hard journey for my dad. Now that this is all over for him we all need to be grateful for the things we have. HE needs to realize that he has been given a second chance at life, pretty much. And my mom needs to see just how sexalicious my dad is! hahah!!! :D God is good for providing us w/ this miracle, for seeing my dad had the strength to go through this and for keeping the complications away! I hope my dad sees that too!!!

Christmas Magic

Matt and I took the girls to Rocky Ridge to see some Christmas lights. This is only the second time we have been there. We took Kayli 3 years ago when she was 3 and she was scared of everything. She wouldnt even let us take her picture with any of the little snowmen and I had to carry her half the time. Needless to say, we didnt go back again until this year. Now Kayli is 6 and Laney is 3. This time Kayli loved it and Laney did too. They wanted me to take their picture standing next to everything! I would recomend this place to anyone. With kids, w/out kids, young or old. It is fun and it is a great way to spend quality time w/ the ones you love the most! :D I took quite a few pics. but most of them did not turn out at all. Hope you enjoy the crap-tastic pictures I did keep!

Laney had a mini camera santa gave her...

Ho Ho Ho

all 5 of my pet penguins

blury "flowler"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Kayli got a haircut on Sunday... I think it looks pretty cute! Like a little muffin head :)

she was so mad I curled her hair for her school pic. :D

Monday, November 2, 2009

Some Fall Happenin's

outside @ the Hands on House

Hands on House

Kayli Caterpillar

I just like this pic.

Dutch Wonderland, again

Back on Oct. 11th my wonderful friend, Michelle and I took our older girls to Dutch Wonderland one last time before the regular season ended. She was given free tickets and was nice enough to give 2 of them to us. So all four of us got in for free. It was the last day of the regular season so it was very busy! We were there for about 4 hrs. and I think we got on about 10 rides. It was great being there and not sweating while standing in line. (usually we go over the summer when it is 90 degrees and humid.) We picked a great was cool and sunny. A perfect fall day! We had lots of fun. Thank you Michelle and Andrea for including us!!

the whip

no matter how sassy they act...they really do love each other!

my coaster buddy!

Kayli and Matt...I mean, a horse! :D

besties <3

Duke and the girlies

Andrea looks sooooo cute here!! Love this pic.

see ya next year Dutch Wonderland!!


As many of you know, Halloween was on Sat. Oct. 31st. At our house, Halloween is an exciting 'holiday.' The girls love to help carve and paint pumpkins. They love putting the window cling stickers all over the door/windows. They love scarecrows, trick or treating and anything scary! We took many walks the weeks before Halloween just to see the decorations people had out.

We went trick or treating this year 2 nights. On Friday we went to Lancaster since it was supposed to rain on Sat. And we ended up going again on Sat, eventhough it was raining. It was still a fun night. Kayli invited her friend Jessie, from school. And Andrea and her family also came along. It started out pretty crappy weather wise but eventually it stopped raining and we did make it to tons of houses. I am happy to say Laney even walked around from 6-8 w/ no fuss! That is good for a 3 y/o, esp. a 3y/o that whines and screams about everything!!!!!! Needless to say, now we have so much candy in this house. I need it gone soon...those little kit-kats and dark chocolate bars are my weakness!! I am such a fat terd :)

pumpkins on our porch

grumpy Strawberry Shortcake

Supergirl and a Shooting Star (Jessie)

before heading to LanCo. to trick/treat

the girls ready to get some candy!!

my ladies

Ms. Shortcake

cutest Strawberry Shortcake ever!
Atleast I think so :D

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fall Festival

On Sat. we went to the Fall Festival at Stauffer's. We have gone every year since Kayli was 2 and it is really fun. Not to mention, super cheap. Besides the Hayride, which is only 1$/person. Everything is free. Unless you want to paint your pumpkins...then you have to pay for them.

I was very impressed this year. Laney did not scream one time on the hayride. Last year she cried almost the entire time. She likes nothing off of the ground, especially when it moves! haha Like always we had tons of fun. I love watching my girls have fun and smile. It makes me so happy!!!




painting pumpkins

fun fun


checkin' out the pond thingy

sisters are the best! :)

Halloween costumes, the prequel

My mom was extremely kind and bought the girls their Halloween costumes this year (among many, many, many other things). As you can see, Laney wanted to be Strawberry Shortcake and Kayli, Supergirl. I wanted to try them on to make sure they fit before Halloween. And to my suprise both costumes fit them perfectly. Yah!! Thank you mom (nanny) for the costumes!! We love you :)

holding her new sparkle crocs nanny bought too!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day of Play

Yesterday we went to the annual 'A Day in the Park' at Springettsbury Park. It was rainy and wet but we decided to check it out anyways. I am glad we did because it wasnt crowded or hot. And the girls loved it, eventhough they ended up soaked after the first 'bouncy thing' they went on.

It was also a chance for Matt and I to see just exactly how different our girls are. Kayli went on everything. No fear! Laney was so cautious, careful and apprehensive. When she first got her sock wet (since they had to take their shoes off to get on the 'stuff') she freaked out. She started crying and trying to take her socks off while asking me to "get her out of here." But it didnt last long...Kayli stepped up and got her to move along and not worry about it! Suprisingly, Laney listened to Kayli and never said another word about how wet her clothes/feet were. Yay!

Another thing that made me very happy was to see how Kayli is always trying to help Laney any way she can. She cheer'd her on and tried helping her climb the walls of the obstacle course. She even told the 2 boys that came in behind them to "be patient because my baby sister is really slow and you cant hurt her or push her aside!" She is just the sweetest thing. No matter how much she and Laney argue I know they truely adore each other. I am so grateful for my 2 beautiful, goofy girls. And I am proud to be their mamma!!

I took a lot of pics. yesterday. But I forgot my camera...had to use my cell phone. Please excuse some of the pics. they arent the best quality.

Kayli on the rock wall

go Kayli...

coming out of the blow up moose thingy. Laney

refused to go in this one!

up the steps...

down the slide. Laney refused this one too!!


waiting for Laney...but

she never showed. Too

in the obstacle course

right behind Kayli


finished the course...

look at Laney go...

Kayli cheering her on...

she made it

sat there for about 10 mins. before she
decided to go scared!

look at me, I did it!! Yay, Laney!