Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Kayli got a haircut on Sunday... I think it looks pretty cute! Like a little muffin head :)

she was so mad I curled her hair for her school pic. :D

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are adorable. Looks like they have such personalities in the pics.
    I got your comment....
    No, Kayla's birth mom is pregnant by someone else, not Kayla's birth father. Its nuts. She is 20 on her 3rd pregnancy by 3rd different guy. And here we are....and cant get pregnant. But I know its all for good reason which is what makes me go on. And without it all...we wouldn't have Kayla whom we couldn't imagine life without.

    Just stinks I have this small hole in my heart because I feel like our family is not complete yet. I have felt this from day one and wish it would just go away!

    Adoption isnt too IS very expensive. Even more so for us because of how far away we are. There is the adoption travel for us, hotel, rental car and food. Plane tickets are at least $1,700.00 EACH ticket, and we would need three. Its uber expensive...and not fair.

    I did email BM, still waiting to hear from her back.

    Im not going to blog about this anymore until Im sure of what is going to happen because I have gotten some very rude and insensitive comments by anonymous commenter. So if you would email address or just message me on Facebook. Im always on there.

    Thanks for your support that you have given us through the past few years. Its what helps us to go on sometimes.
