Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ramblings of stuff

Hello all! I have not blogged in a bit. I just don't have much to blog about right now. But right now I just feel like jabbering. So I will dig deep down in my cranium and type some stuff.
On Sunday Kayli was sick. Out of the blue she said her belly hurt really bad. I told her that she had to go poo. She said that wasn't it. I offered her food and she just about gagged. Then she asked me if she was going to "frow up." And I said, "nooo, you're fine." And what happened about 2 Min's later? You got it, she ran to the bathroom and "frew up". I felt bad for her but not bad enough to escort her to the bathroom. I made Matt do that part...every single time. She ended up throwing up about 10 times between the hours of 2:30 and 7:30. It was the kind when every time she took a tiny sip of water, juice, soda...anything. Within 10 Min's she was barfing that back up. I thought it was going to be a long night w/ a sick kids running to the bathroom every hour or so. As luck would have it she went to bed at 7:30 and slept all night. She didn't get sick again. What a relief! Kayli very rarely gets sick. She gets her occasional cold over the winter months but she has been very healthy so far. Knock on wood! I am very lucky that she is healthy. Since Laney has those crazy fevers pretty often. But even that is nothing compared to what some people deal with.

Today Kayli went back to school after a 3 day weekend and she did great. I didn't even go into the school with her. I showed her where her class was lined up and she went over and stood there an immediately started talking to a boy that was in front of her. She didn't even turn around to see if I was still there or to say goodbye. I even yelled goodbye to her and she must not have heard me. Probably because her mouth was running like a ducks behind :) She is such a social butterfly, haha! I was so not a social butterfly, ever. And neither is my husband. I wonder where she gets that from??!! Could it be her nanny?! haha
I haven't been taking too many pictures lately. OK, well I have been but I have been doing it on my new phone! I just figured out how to get them on my comp. So I do have some new ones. Enjoy!!

Kayli being an "old lady w/ her walker"

the morning after she was sick

my big girl

sweet little ladies

Laney took this w/ my phone!

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