It was also a chance for Matt and I to see just exactly how different our girls are. Kayli went on everything. No fear! Laney was so cautious, careful and apprehensive. When she first got her sock wet (since they had to take their shoes off to get on the 'stuff') she freaked out. She started crying and trying to take her socks off while asking me to "get her out of here." But it didnt last long...Kayli stepped up and got her to move along and not worry about it! Suprisingly, Laney listened to Kayli and never said another word about how wet her clothes/feet were. Yay!
Another thing that made me very happy was to see how Kayli is always trying to help Laney any way she can. She cheer'd her on and tried helping her climb the walls of the obstacle course. She even told the 2 boys that came in behind them to "be patient because my baby sister is really slow and you cant hurt her or push her aside!" She is just the sweetest thing. No matter how much she and Laney argue I know they truely adore each other. I am so grateful for my 2 beautiful, goofy girls. And I am proud to be their mamma!!
I took a lot of pics. yesterday. But I forgot my camera...had to use my cell phone. Please excuse some of the pics. they arent the best quality.

Kayli on the rock wall

go Kayli...

coming out of the blow up moose thingy. Laney
refused to go in this one!

up the steps...

down the slide. Laney refused this one too!!


waiting for Laney...but
she never showed. Too