Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day of Play

Yesterday we went to the annual 'A Day in the Park' at Springettsbury Park. It was rainy and wet but we decided to check it out anyways. I am glad we did because it wasnt crowded or hot. And the girls loved it, eventhough they ended up soaked after the first 'bouncy thing' they went on.

It was also a chance for Matt and I to see just exactly how different our girls are. Kayli went on everything. No fear! Laney was so cautious, careful and apprehensive. When she first got her sock wet (since they had to take their shoes off to get on the 'stuff') she freaked out. She started crying and trying to take her socks off while asking me to "get her out of here." But it didnt last long...Kayli stepped up and got her to move along and not worry about it! Suprisingly, Laney listened to Kayli and never said another word about how wet her clothes/feet were. Yay!

Another thing that made me very happy was to see how Kayli is always trying to help Laney any way she can. She cheer'd her on and tried helping her climb the walls of the obstacle course. She even told the 2 boys that came in behind them to "be patient because my baby sister is really slow and you cant hurt her or push her aside!" She is just the sweetest thing. No matter how much she and Laney argue I know they truely adore each other. I am so grateful for my 2 beautiful, goofy girls. And I am proud to be their mamma!!

I took a lot of pics. yesterday. But I forgot my camera...had to use my cell phone. Please excuse some of the pics. they arent the best quality.

Kayli on the rock wall

go Kayli...

coming out of the blow up moose thingy. Laney

refused to go in this one!

up the steps...

down the slide. Laney refused this one too!!


waiting for Laney...but

she never showed. Too

in the obstacle course

right behind Kayli


finished the course...

look at Laney go...

Kayli cheering her on...

she made it

sat there for about 10 mins. before she
decided to go scared!

look at me, I did it!! Yay, Laney!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh what-a week(end)

For some reason this past week felt like it was dragging on and on. I think I have had a headache for most of the week. Thank you PMS! I went to the Dr. on Wed. because I have been getting these really weird heart beats. Esp. at night when I start to doze off or after sitting from running around all day. My heart isnt beating out of control or anything. It simply makes a thud in my chest and it feels like it skips a beat. I have no ther symptoms. And my Dr. did say that is probably is something simple. But it is better to be safe than sorry! Ever since Kayli started school I noticed this happening every night/day. I thought it would go away but it didnt. So I made an appt. w/ my family Dr. He said he'd like me to get blood work to check my liver, cholesterol, a complete CBC and my thyroid. He also wants me to wear a Holter Monitor for 24 hrs. I am to get that on Thursday. However, I have stopped the caffeine and my heart palpitaions have really subsided. I am sure some of it is due to stress. I am, by nature, a high-strung person...have you met my mother? haha! I worry too often. Between my Aunt, my dad and Laney getting this fever thing. Which, by the way, she has that again. She woke up w/ it today! And Matt with his shitty job. It's just me worrying, non-stop. I cant help it, it's what I do!! Thank God I have Matt as a husband. He doesnt worry about a thing, ever! He is my sanity. I probably do not need a heart monitor, I need some meds to calm my butt down! haha!

Anyway, like I said in the above paragraph by sweet little Laney has a fever again. I think I had, what most people would call a nervous breakdown this morning, really. I just sat with her and started to cry because I can see, when her fever is high, before the Tylenol kicks in, she is miserable. I wish I could help her more than by just giving her meds. Sometimes I feel like I am giving her too much medication but it is all that works to keep her fever down. I also hate the fact that she keeps getting these fevers. I scares me too much. They come one suddenly and leave just as quickly. No side effects or warnings of them coming. I am going to take her to the Dr. tomorrow. I know what they will say if I do not have Dr. S. It is probably just a virus. Bla, bla, bla! She is to have her blood work done again in about 3 weeks. I think I may ask if she can try a single dose of a low dose steroid to see if that works on her fever. If it does, then most likely, it is PFS (Periodic Fever Syndrome). But we will see. I have also heard a lot of negative things about steroids. Esp. in children.

I just dont know which way my mind is going these days. I need to calm down and stop worrying. It doesnt get me anywhere except in the Dr. office telling him how I dont want a pace-maker. haha! I am so stressed and need to stop being like this! I want everyone to be alright. I want my Laney to stop getting these fevers so I know she is OK. really, OK! Oh Lord give me strength!!! *Whenever I think or say that it reminds me of my mom...when I was young she would talk threw her teeth and say that to herself whenever I pissed her off!!* haha!

One last note...this picture is great!! It is my Aunt and Uncle with their many grandchildren. I just thought I would share because it is a lovely pic. and I pray that they are around for many years to come so they can see those beautiful little babies grow!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ode to Rosie Mantis

Meet the lovely lady (pics below) that was hanging out on our back porch up at the top of the door jamb. We are assuming it is a female Mantis. Her abdomen was bulging and it looked like she had some babies in there!? The girls named her Rosie Mantis. She was there for 3 days. I kid you not, everytime we went outside she turned towards the back door like she wanted to go inside. She would turn her head to us everytime we said anything. Yesterday Matt took her over and put her in the bush by our fence. We agreed she'd be happier in a place where there was more foliage, bugs and stuff. I really do think she enjoyed her time at the top of our door. We do miss her and we hope she is safe and sound in the big green bush!!

I have been telling Laney about bugs lately. Crickets. Praying Mantis's and locusts mostly. She calls crickets, "crocs" and says, "oh mommy da crocs are derpin (chirping)" I asked her, "what is the bug called above our door? do you remember?" She looked at me and said, "Rosie" so I said, "no what KIND of bug is it? not a cricket or bee...but what kind? now think about it. Think..." She whispered, "think bug." Maybe you had to be here but it was so funny! Sometimes that girl is just clueless!!

Rosie w/ her beady black eyes

staring at me while I took her pic.

ramblings of stuff

Hello all! I have not blogged in a bit. I just don't have much to blog about right now. But right now I just feel like jabbering. So I will dig deep down in my cranium and type some stuff.
On Sunday Kayli was sick. Out of the blue she said her belly hurt really bad. I told her that she had to go poo. She said that wasn't it. I offered her food and she just about gagged. Then she asked me if she was going to "frow up." And I said, "nooo, you're fine." And what happened about 2 Min's later? You got it, she ran to the bathroom and "frew up". I felt bad for her but not bad enough to escort her to the bathroom. I made Matt do that part...every single time. She ended up throwing up about 10 times between the hours of 2:30 and 7:30. It was the kind when every time she took a tiny sip of water, juice, soda...anything. Within 10 Min's she was barfing that back up. I thought it was going to be a long night w/ a sick kids running to the bathroom every hour or so. As luck would have it she went to bed at 7:30 and slept all night. She didn't get sick again. What a relief! Kayli very rarely gets sick. She gets her occasional cold over the winter months but she has been very healthy so far. Knock on wood! I am very lucky that she is healthy. Since Laney has those crazy fevers pretty often. But even that is nothing compared to what some people deal with.

Today Kayli went back to school after a 3 day weekend and she did great. I didn't even go into the school with her. I showed her where her class was lined up and she went over and stood there an immediately started talking to a boy that was in front of her. She didn't even turn around to see if I was still there or to say goodbye. I even yelled goodbye to her and she must not have heard me. Probably because her mouth was running like a ducks behind :) She is such a social butterfly, haha! I was so not a social butterfly, ever. And neither is my husband. I wonder where she gets that from??!! Could it be her nanny?! haha
I haven't been taking too many pictures lately. OK, well I have been but I have been doing it on my new phone! I just figured out how to get them on my comp. So I do have some new ones. Enjoy!!

Kayli being an "old lady w/ her walker"

the morning after she was sick

my big girl

sweet little ladies

Laney took this w/ my phone!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

First week of school

Kayli finished her first week of school successfully. Laney also went the rest of the week with no more temper tantrums (on school property). I am so proud of my girls. I cant believe Kayli goes to school all day. Eats lunch at school...not to mention carries her tray to her table w/out spilling anything or dropping the tray. She gets so excited to be able to choose different things at lunch. She loves the fact that she can have 'pink milk' and she thinks it tastes like cotton candy. We have had pink milk here too. The Nestle Quick stuff. It is strawberry milk and she has always hated it! It just makes me laugh when she tell me how much she loves the pink milk.

She has made a few friends and she is so proud of herself. She always has a story of what one of her new friends did to make her laugh. Or what game they played in class or at recess. It is so cute and I love hearing all about her day!