Back on Oct. 11th my wonderful friend, Michelle and I took our older girls to Dutch Wonderland one last time before the regular season ended. She was given free tickets and was nice enough to give 2 of them to us. So all four of us got in for free. It was the last day of the regular season so it was very busy! We were there for about 4 hrs. and I think we got on about 10 rides. It was great being there and not sweating while standing in line. (usually we go over the summer when it is 90 degrees and humid.) We picked a great was cool and sunny. A perfect fall day! We had lots of fun. Thank you Michelle and Andrea for including us!!
the whip
no matter how sassy they act...they really do love each other!
As many of you know, Halloween was on Sat. Oct. 31st. At our house, Halloween is an exciting 'holiday.' The girls love to help carve and paint pumpkins. They love putting the window cling stickers all over the door/windows. They love scarecrows, trick or treating and anything scary! We took many walks the weeks before Halloween just to see the decorations people had out.
We went trick or treating this year 2 nights. On Friday we went to Lancaster since it was supposed to rain on Sat. And we ended up going again on Sat, eventhough it was raining. It was still a fun night. Kayli invited her friend Jessie, from school. And Andrea and her family also came along. It started out pretty crappy weather wise but eventually it stopped raining and we did make it to tons of houses. I am happy to say Laney even walked around from 6-8 w/ no fuss! That is good for a 3 y/o, esp. a 3y/o that whines and screams about everything!!!!!! Needless to say, now we have so much candy in this house. I need it gone soon...those little kit-kats and dark chocolate bars are my weakness!! I am such a fat terd :)