Sunday, January 31, 2010


Little Laney is sick, again. She woke up on New Years day w/ a fever. It lasted about 2-3 days. Took her to the Dr. They did a strep test (like always) and it came back neg. (like always). Now, 4 weeks later she has it again. I even said to Matt the other night, "it has been 4 wks since her last fever episode so be prepaired." I swear I always call it...I can feel when she is going to get it again.

This time, along with every other time. She is complaining of a sore throat. She has a high fever and swollen glands in her neck. when I give her Tylenol or Motrin she acts fine...even has an appetitie. I noticed the pattern with her 'fever thing' has changed a little since she was younger. I am assuming it is because she is older now and can actually tell us what hurts. She complains about a spot in her mouth hurting. This time it is on the inside of her cheek. Maybe she bit it?? Maybe it is an ulcer?? She only mentions it when she is eating though and not every time she eats! She says her neck hurts because her glands are swollen. That has been happening before the fever even appears. I know she will vomit tonight. She always does the first night of her fevers. Only the first night though. I thought that was due to the spike in her fevers but I dont think it is. There have been several times she doesnt even feel warm to me when she vomits because I do give her meds. before bed. I am still trying to figure out if it is an actual 'symptom' of what she has or just from the fever. Every Dr. we have seen in her practice says it is from the fevers.

She has gotten blood work done and it is all normal when she is not sick. But when she is sick she has a pretty highly elevated CRP and ESR. That's about it. Her immune system was checked and that all came back normal. So weird!! Most of her Dr.'s are saying it is "Periodic fever Syndrome" and the exact one they are saying it is, is this one, PFAPA. The symptoms they describe are exactly like hers. It just bugs me that there isnt much they can do for her! I am not too worried about it anymore only because she does bounce back quickly. She is 'thriving' and developing normally. I just hate seeing her sick. :(

Report cards

This little girl just recieved a fantastic report card. Yes, I know she is only in kindergarten. And it does not mean she will be going to Harvard or anything. But she went from Basic to Proficient or Proficient to Advanced in everything. Pretty much nothing stayed the same...all areas improved! Most of her report card was Advanced for the 2nd marking period. How awesome is that!? She HAS to get that from her Mom!! hahhahhahah Matt and I are so proud of her.

Kayli's writing

I have been MIA from the blogging world lately. So for all of my 6 readers I am sorry. I just get busy and too lazy to take the pics off of my camera.

Anyway, Kayli said to me, "mom, I am going to go do an activity. I am going to work on my kid writing." I asked her if she needed help and she said, "no mom, kid writing is for kids. No mom's, dad's OR adults can do kid writing. It is way too hard!" In her eyes I guess I am not an adult...I am just a mom! haha Check this out...I think it is pretty good. She sounded out all the words herself. Of course it took me some time to figure out exactly what it said. I will translate for you.
I love February because I get valentines. Getting Valentine's is fantastic (fantassic)! I give Valentines to my class. Vaelntines is fun.
It really cracks me up because since I can remember she has called Valentine's "Valentimes" and that is exactly how she spells it.